I wish to advise the Deputy that the collation of the information, as requested, for the time period since 2010 would require a disproportionate and inordinate amount of staff time and effort and could not be justified in current circumstances where there are other significant demands on resources.
I am, however, in a position to advise the Deputy of the position in Cork Prison on 2 July, 2013 which is set out in the following table.
Cell size
Number of cells used for single occupancy
Number of cells with two or more prisoners
As the Deputy will be aware, legislation to give development consent for a new prison facility for Cork city has been approved by this House and is now awaiting consideration by the Seanad. The main purpose of the new prison facility is to replace the substandard prison accommodation in Cork and to provide a modern prison designed on the principles of rehabilitation and resettlement.
The investment being made in the development of a new modern prison facility in Cork is a significant commitment by the Government given the current economic pressures being experienced. The new modern prison, including cells which are approximately 12m², and have full in-cell sanitation and showering facilities, will end the practice of slopping out and also provide the infrastructure necessary for the education and rehabilitation of prisoners thus enhancing public safety.
All cells will be fully compliant with the standards for double occupancy as set down by the Inspector of Prisons.