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Employment Support Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 9 July 2013

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Questions (340)

Bernard Durkan


340. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Social Protection the extent to which she expects current or proposed temporary unemployment alleviation or training schemes to result in permanent positions; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33526/13]

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The aim of JobBridge is to assist individuals to bridge the gap between unemployment and the world of work. The scheme has made very significant progress since it came into operation in July 2011. As at 27 June 2013, some 18,587 internship placements have commenced to date with 5,934 participants currently undertaking internships and 1,936 internship posts available on the JobBridge website. The independent evaluation conducted by Indecon Economic Consultants, which I published recently, found that 61% of interns who finish placements secure employment within five months. These progression outcomes are exceptionally positive and compare very favourably with European averages in this area. The following table provides further information on the status of employment secured since completion of JobBridge:

Table 3.28: Status of Employment Secured since Completion of JobBridge

Status of Employment


Full-time, Permanent


Part-time, Permanent


Full-time, Temporary


Part-time, Temporary




Source: Indecon Evaluation of JobBridge, Final Evaluation Report, April 2013
