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Tuesday, 9 Jul 2013

Written Answers Nos. 291-306

Job Initiatives

Questions (291)

Robert Dowds


291. Deputy Robert Dowds asked the Minister for Social Protection the position with regard to the national roll-out of Intreo offices; if she is satisfied with the progress the Office of Public Works is making on the programme; and if she will provide the general schedule for the roll-out covering 2013 and 2014. [32949/13]

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The Pathways to Work document states that the introduction of the new Intreo service is a multi-annual project with all Department local offices upgraded to full Intreo offices by the end of 2014. The delivery of the Intreo service comprises a number of elements. The main elements being:

i. The integration of the various welfare decision making processes to speed up decision making and minimise recourse to supplementary welfare payments.

ii. The introduction of a profiling process to capture the unique characteristics and service requirements of each jobseeker.

iii. The implementation of a systematic group activation engagement and one to one process based on clients’ profiles.

iv. The delivery of a ‘one-stop-shop’ service from an integrated office location.

Elements (i) to (iii) are being rolled out, are already in place in most offices and will be in place in all offices by the end of the year.

The delivery of over 60 One-Stop-Shop Intreo Offices is a major logistical property project for the Department and the Office of Public Works which is responsible for the provision of the Department’s property requirements, including refurbishment and fit out works. The Intreo Project requires the acquisition and development of some new properties and the re-modelling and refurbishment of others. All of this also entails the re-accomodation of staff including the transfer and set-up of IT, furniture and other utilities across multiple locations.

Notwithstanding the complexity of such a large property programme, twelve offices are now providing the full Intreo service. Preparations are underway in other offices and it is expected that a total of 43 offices will be delivering the full Intreo service by the end of 2013. A joint OPW/DSP Intreo Implementation Team meets every two weeks to drive the programme forward. Progress is reported to and monitored by the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Pathways to Work, chaired by the Taoiseach, every month. While I would like to see roll-out completed more quickly, I am satisfied that the project is being managed effectively and that the roll-out will be completed on target by the end of next year.

Departmental Websites

Questions (292, 293)

John Lyons


292. Deputy John Lyons asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will detail the usage of her Department's new website; if she will detail the schemes and services it offers to jobseekers and employers; if she will compare its services and cost effectiveness with that of the previous website; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32950/13]

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John Lyons


293. Deputy John Lyons asked the Minister for Social Protection the amount her Department's new website will cost; the amount the previous website cost between 2007 and 2012; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32951/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 292 and 293 together.

The Department’s website has been redesigned to more properly reflect the full range of services the Department now delivers. The new website represents the first phase of a multiple programme of planned activity in the website and online services area of the Department. It incorporates the major expansion of the Department in recent times and it aligns the site with the Department’s priorities, including the activation of jobseekers and information and services for employers. It will also facilitate the delivery of more online services for customers.

The design of the new site includes improved navigation features for all users, as well as a dedicated Intreo area (, through which employers and jobseekers can access all existing information and services in relation to supports, training and entitlements. This includes links to existing content and services held on other sites such as JobBridge, FÁS and JobsIreland; providing jobseekers and employers with one central location for their information needs.

The new website includes a number of new online services for jobseekers including an Office Locator which provides users with immediate access to contact details for their local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Office, as well as a Find a Job service, integrated with the Jobs Ireland website, which allows users search for jobs directly from the Department's website. Other online services for jobseekers include online claiming and “signing” for Jobseeker’s payments and a “Close my claim” service through which jobseekers can notify the Department when they get a job. From July, jobseekers can also use the site to check their eligibility under the new JobsPlus incentive, which replaces the Revenue Job Assist and the Employer Job (PRSI) Incentive schemes.

Employers can access information on the range of recruitment services, financial supports and workplace supports available to them to help generate employment and retain employees. They can also now register online for the JobsPlus incentive, which provides a grant to employers who employ jobseekers who have spent twelve months or more on the Live Register.

Extensive information on all of the other schemes and services provided by my Department is carried on the website, as well as a range of online services, presented in a user-friendly format. These online services allow users to claim online for a number of payments, including Child Benefit and State Pension; request statements of payments they have received; request copies of their social insurance record; submit queries and comments, and also report suspected social welfare fraud.

1,010,780 people visited the new website from February to June 2013. As many people would visit the site more than once and look at more than one page per visit, this translates into over 1.78 million visits and almost 7 million page views. After the home page, the most popular pages on the website are those related to jobseekers and online services. The new online services developed as part of the website redesign project are proving popular with users; almost 104,000 people have used the new Office Locator and over 75,000 have used the Find a Job service.

The new technical infrastructure delivered under this project gives the Department greater flexibility in the way in which it can provide information and services to its online customers and will also facilitate the development and delivery of enhanced online services. In particular, the new infrastructure has delivered the online JobsPlus service for employers and jobseekers, launched earlier this week.

Following an open procurement process, Hewlett Packard (HP) Ireland Ltd was appointed as consultants on the website redesign project. The overall cost of the new website, including VAT, is €569,958. This figure includes the development of the desktop version of the site, a mobile version of the site, the first year’s maintenance fee and 21 days additional support in the event that specific development work is required to implement new online services.

The previous version of the website, in existence from September 2008 to January 2013, cost €485,451; this figure included the development of the desktop site (but not a mobile site), three year’s maintenance fee and 30 days additional support. A strategic review of the Department’s then website was undertaken in 2007 at a cost of €58,000 and recommended that a full redesign of the website be initiated. All the recommendations of this review were implemented in the 2008 website redesign project.

Given the extended range of information and services provided through the new site, and the greater flexibility and opportunities afforded by the site’s new technical infrastructure, I believe the new website will prove more cost-effective than its predecessor and that the Department’s investment in this area was justified.

Exceptional Needs Payments

Questions (294)

Robert Dowds


294. Deputy Robert Dowds asked the Minister for Social Protection the circumstances in which an exceptional needs payment may be made and the amount of flexibility which a community welfare officer or other responsible person has in this regard. [32965/13]

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Under the supplementary welfare allowance (SWA) scheme, the Department may make a single exceptional needs payment (ENP) to help meet essential, once-off and unforeseen expenditure which a person could not reasonably be expected to meet out of their weekly income. The Government has provided €47.6m for the scheme in 2013. There is no automatic entitlement to a payment. ENPs are payable at the discretion of the officers administering the scheme taking into account the requirements of the legislation and all the relevant circumstances of the case in order to ensure that the payments target those most in need of assistance. Persons who consider that they have an entitlement to an ENP under the supplementary welfare allowance scheme should contact the local officials administering the scheme.

Free Travel Scheme Administration

Questions (295)

Seamus Kirk


295. Deputy Seamus Kirk asked the Minister for Social Protection her plans to amend or remove the free travel scheme; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32973/13]

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There are currently in excess of 770,000 people in receipt of free travel from my Department and when spousal and companion passes are taken into account, there are over 1.1 million customers with some free travel eligibility. Expenditure on this scheme was frozen at 2010 levels by the previous Government. Expenditure for the free travel scheme in 2013 is set at €77 million.

Given the increasing number of recipients and the funding pressures, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport and I established a working group with representatives from the two Departments, as well as the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the National Transport Authority to review the free travel scheme. The purpose of this review is to examine and report on the current operation and future development of the free travel scheme including how the scheme is funded. The work of this group is expected to conclude before the autumn, and the findings of the report will then be considered.

Consultancy Contracts Expenditure

Questions (296)

Mattie McGrath


296. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Social Protection her views on the individual costs of the KPMG report on the State pension, the PwC report on pension charges, the OECD review of the pensions system and the critical review of the Pensions Board and Pensions Ombudsman, broken down into amounts paid to the consultants and ancillary costs such as meetings, catering and departmental officials’ time; if she will identify any of the recommendations that have already been or will be acted upon in 2013; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32980/13]

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The costs of the various reviews referred to by the Deputy are as follows:

- The third Actuarial Review of the Social Insurance Fund was completed by consultants KPMG in June 2012 at a cost of €153,750 including VAT.

- The Department made a voluntary contribution of € 130,000 to the OECD for its very significant work in undertaking their Review of the Irish Pension System.

- €60,900 was paid to PWC for its support for the Report on Pension Charges 2012.

- In relation to costs for the Critical Reviews of the Pensions Board and the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman, the Steering Group was chaired by Mr. Richard Hinz of the World Bank who gave his time pro bono and who drafted the final report free of charge. Mr. Hinz undertook a number of trips to Ireland to Chair the meetings at no travel cost to the Exchequer with the exception of one flight for a consultation forum in September 2012 at a cost €1,445.78. Accommodation costs for all meetings were paid for my department at a total cost of €1,674.00.

The work undertaken for all of the above reports would have been supported by officials of the Department of Social Protection as part of their wider day to day duties and indeed by a range of other Departments and organisations (e.g. the Pensions Board, Central Bank, Pensions Ombudsman) and wider sectoral interests. In general meetings in relation to the various reports were held in Departmental accommodation or in the premises of the organisation undertaking the work and did not result in further costs arising.

A significant Consultation Forum was held in Farmleigh September 2012 with a catering cost of €1,980.97. To maximise cost efficiency, this was a joint consultation forum for both the OECD review and the Critical Reviews of the Pensions Board and the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman and involved representatives from over 50 sectoral interests.

Actions following Review & Report Recommendations in 2013

(i) In relation to the Actuarial Review of the Social Insurance Fund, the review covers a 55 year period from 2011–2066 and builds on the findings of the 2000 and 2005 actuarial reviews. The findings in the Review inform both short to medium and long term policy development in relation to the social insurance system generally. Projections contained with the report indicate that in the absence of any action to tackle the shortfall, the excess of expenditure over income of the Fund will increase significantly over the medium to long term.

(ii) Regarding the OECD Review of Irish Pensions System (completed in April 2013), the review examines all aspects of pensions in Ireland covering both State pension, private, occupational and public sector pensions. It is an extremely comprehensive report amounting to some 150 pages of analysis and commentary. The report provides for consideration, key findings and a wide choice of suggested measures for reform which would involve a number of Government departments. The report is now being examined in detail with a view to bringing proposals to Government setting out the roadmap for pension reform.

(iii) The Public Service Reform Programme provided for a critical review of the integration of the regulatory functions of the Pensions Board with the Financial Regulator and the merging of the Pensions Ombudsman with the Financial Services Ombudsman. The recommendations of the review group were accepted by Government in April last. The key recommendation from the critical review in relation to the Pensions Board is that an amalgamation of the regulatory function of the Pensions Board with the Central Bank is not recommended at this time, but that the governance structure of the Pensions Board should be restructured with two distinct arms; oversight of the Pensions Board will be undertaken by a three man body called the Pensions Authority, and a separate unpaid Pensions Council, with a majority of members representing consumer interests, will advise the Minister on pensions policy. The relevant legislative measures to implement these changes have been provided for in the Social Welfare and Pension Bill, 2013. The new structure is expected to be operational by year end.

In relation to the Pensions Ombudsman, the key recommendation is to amalgamate the office with the Financial Services Ombudsman and arrangements will be put in place to provide for the implementation of this recommendation in the near future.

(iv) The Report on Pension Charges 2012 was undertaken by my Department with the Central Bank and Pensions Board, and with support from PWC. The primary objective of the report was to gather information on the level of pension charges levied, to assess whether these charges are reasonable and transparent, to report on the findings and to make recommendations. The report highlights a wide range of issues in relation to pension charges and identifies that there are major challenges to be addressed in the two main areas of reasonableness and transparency of charges. The launch of the Report on Pension Charges report was followed by a three month consultation with stakeholders. Following the consultation period, it was agreed by Government in April 2013 that the recommendations contained in the report will be implemented, and this work has commenced. The first task I will be giving the new Pensions Council is to monitor the implementation of the recommendations in the Report on Pension Charges and advise me if further actions are needed.

EU Directives

Questions (297)

Mattie McGrath


297. Deputy Mattie McGrath asked the Minister for Social Protection considering the recent definitive victory by the Waterford Crystal workers against the Government in the European Court of Justice and the potential costs that will now accrue to the State, if she has reviewed the advice to contest the case in the manner the Government did; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32981/13]

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On 25 April last, the European Court of Justice issued a ruling which contained a number of clarifications regarding transposition EU Directive 2008/94EC which concerns the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer. This ruling was in response to a July 2011 referral from the High Court regarding proceedings brought by former workers at Waterford Crystal. The High Court had, in taking the view that interpretation of the provisions of the Directive 2008/94 was necessary in order for it to give its decision in this case, decided to stay the proceedings and to refer a number of questions to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling. Following the ECJ ruling, the matter will now revert to the High Court for consideration. Given this matter remains before the courts it would not be appropriate that I comment further on any matters which may relate to this case at this time.

Employment Support Services

Questions (298)

John O'Mahony


298. Deputy John O'Mahony asked the Minister for Social Protection the reason a person (details supplied) in County Mayo has not received his extra €50 payment under the JobBridge scheme; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32986/13]

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All payments of the internship allowance are made by the Department of Social Protection into the intern’s bank account. This top-up will be paid for the duration of the internship. The allowance is paid in arrears and normally participants receive this top-up allowance approximately 2 weeks after commencing on the Scheme. I wish to advise the Deputy that the person referred to in his question commenced his internship on 12 June 2013. His JobBridge top-up allowance and all arrears were paid by the Department on 4 July.

Carer's Allowance Applications

Questions (299)

John McGuinness


299. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Social Protection the position regarding an application for carer's allowance in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Waterford; and if she will expedite the matter. [33004/13]

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I confirm that the department received an application for carer’s allowance from the person in question on the 5th January 2011. The person concerned was refused carer’s allowance on the grounds that the care recipient is not so disabled as to require full time care and attention as prescribed in regulations, that full time care and attention was not being provided by the person in question as required and that her means had not been fully disclosed. She was notified of this decision and the reasons for it on 14th of October 2011.

The person in question requested a review of this decision and submitted additional information and evidence in support of her application. Unfortunately, due to a clerical error for which the Department apologises, this review request was overlooked and was not dealt with at that time. The review is now being carried out and, to this end, an information request was made to the person in question on 8th July 2013 requesting statements from her financial institution(s). As soon as the information is received, the review will be completed as soon as possible and the person concerned will be notified directly of the outcome.

Domiciliary Care Allowance Appeals

Questions (300)

John McGuinness


300. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Social Protection the position regarding an application for domiciliary care allowance in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny. [33010/13]

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An application for domiciliary care allowance was received from the person concerned on the 24th April 2012. This application was referred to one of the Department’s Medical Assessors who found that the child was not medically eligible for the allowance. A letter issued on the 12th June 2012 advising of the decision. Following receipt of your representations together with additional information the case was forwarded to another of the Department's Medical Assessors for further consideration on the 27th February 2013, who confirmed the opinion of the original Medical Assessor.

The person concerned subsequently lodged an appeal against this decision. As part of the appeal process, the case was reviewed by a third Medical Assessor on the 12th June 2013 who once again confirmed the opinion that the child was not medically eligible for the allowance. The file was forwarded to the Social Welfare Appeals Office on the 3rd July 2013 for the appeal to be processed.

National Internship Scheme Numbers

Questions (301)

Andrew Doyle


301. Deputy Andrew Doyle asked the Minister for Social Protection the number who benefit from the JobBridge scheme in County Wicklow; if she will list in tabular form the number who have taken up this benefit and the number of those who have gone on to full-time or part-time employment; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33024/13]

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The JobBridge Scheme has made very significant progress since it came into operation on 1 July 2011. As at 27 June 2013, 18,587 internship placements have commenced to date with 5,934 participants currently on a JobBridge placement and 1,936 internship posts currently advertised on the JobBridge website. Please see tables below in respect of internships in County Wicklow.

Table 1: Placements in County Wicklow as at 4 July 2013



Completed Placements


Currently on Programme


Total Placements


Table 2: Progression into Employment in County Wicklow as at 4 July 2013



Progressed into employment with Host Organisation


Progressed into employment with another Employer


* Total Progressing into Employment


* 111 of the 307 Finishers in County Wicklow have immediately progressed into employment.

Pension Provisions

Questions (302)

Seamus Kirk


302. Deputy Seamus Kirk asked the Minister for Social Protection if her attention has been drawn to any pension entitlements for supervisors and assistant supervisors in community employment schemes; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33027/13]

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The Labour Court recommended in July 2008 (LCR19293) that an agreed pension scheme should be introduced for Community Employment (CE) scheme supervisors and assistant supervisors, and that such a scheme should be adequately funded by FÁS. Notwithstanding the position of the Department (which now has responsibility for CE) in rejecting that liability for these costs to be met from public funds, this matter has been the subject of discussions with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the unions representing CE supervisors. In the event that funding was required from the Department of Social Protection, the implementation of the claim is not considered sustainable in light of the current and ongoing fiscal environment and the requirement to contain and reduce public expenditure. The costs of the introduction of any scheme are likely to be of the order of €3m per annum with retrospective costs of the order of at least €30m.

It should also note that the Department of Social Protection is not the employer of CE supervisors and such employees are not public servants. Neither was FÁS or the Department of Social Protection a party to the Labour Court dispute on this matter. The responsibilities of the sponsoring organisations and the individuals concerned must also be recognised when considering pension provision arrangements.

Question No. 303 withdrawn.

Disability Allowance Appeals

Questions (304)

Willie Penrose


304. Deputy Willie Penrose asked the Minister for Social Protection the position regarding a disability allowance appeal in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33070/13]

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The Social Welfare Appeals Office has advised me that an appeal by the person concerned was registered in that office on 30 January 2013. It is a statutory requirement of the appeals process that the relevant papers and comments by or on behalf of the Deciding Officer on the grounds of appeal be sought from the Department of Social Protection. These papers have been received in the Social Welfare Appeals Office on 4 July 2013 and the case will be referred to an Appeals Officer who will make a summary decision on the appeal based on documentary evidence presented or, if required, hold an oral hearing. The Social Welfare Appeals Office functions independently of the Minister for Social Protection and of the Department and is responsible for determining appeals against decisions in relation to social welfare entitlements.

Rent Supplement Scheme Payments

Questions (305)

Bernard Durkan


305. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Social Protection the basis on which it was calculated that €559.70 is the correct amount of rent supplement in the case of a person (details supplied) in County Dublin who has a wife and five dependent children; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33094/13]

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According to the information available to this Department the person concerned pays a rent of €850 per month and has a qualified adult and four qualified children. The eldest child of the person concerned, who is in receipt of a payment from this Department, is not considered a qualified child and is liable for a minimum contribution of €30 per week towards the cost of the rent payable. The person concerned is also liable for a contribution of €37 per week. These contributions equate to €67 per week or €290.30 per month. Accordingly, an entitlement of €559.70 per month rent supplement is payable to the person concerned.

Jobseeker's Allowance Appeals

Questions (306)

Noel Coonan


306. Deputy Noel Coonan asked the Minister for Social Protection when an application for jobseeker's allowance will be finalised in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33100/13]

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I am advised by the Social Welfare Appeals Office that an oral hearing of the appeal of the person concerned took place on 20 March 2013 and that the Appeals Officer is now considering the appeal in the light of all of the evidence submitted, including that adduced at the oral hearing. The Social Welfare Appeals Office has advised that a decision in this case will issue within the next week. The Social Welfare Appeals Office functions independently of the Minister for Social Protection and of the Department and is responsible for determining appeals against decisions in relation to social welfare entitlements.
