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Northern Ireland Issues

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 July 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Questions (143)

Clare Daly


143. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if he will meet the Greater Ardoyne Residents Collective, as requested, 19 of whom face prosecution for engaging in a peaceful protest contrary to EU rights to assembly. [34373/13]

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The matters to which the Deputy refers pertain to the arrest of a number of persons by the PSNI. I am advised that these persons have been charged subsequently with criminal offences by the Public Prosecution Service of Northern Ireland. Under the Hillsborough Agreement, of which the Irish Government is a co-guarantor, responsibility for policing in Northern Ireland is now a devolved matter. The Chief Constable is accountable to the Northern Ireland Policing Board which has cross community representation. As part of the Good Friday Agreement, a Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland was established to provide independent and impartial investigation of the new police service. Complaints of alleged misconduct by the PSNI can be made to the Police Ombudsman, who in turn is accountable to the Northern Ireland Assembly, through the Minister for Justice.

As is the case in this jurisdiction, the Public Prosecution Service of Northern Ireland is independent in the exercise of its functions. In these circumstances, it would be inappropriate for me to seek to influence any of these bodies in their decision making.
