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North-South Ministerial Council

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 July 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Questions (160)

Brendan Smith


160. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if he will outline the issues discussed at the recent North-South Ministerial Council; the proposals for follow-up action; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34911/13]

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The most recent meeting of the North South Ministerial Council (NSMC) in plenary format was held in Dublin Castle on 5 July 2013. At the meeting, discussions covered a wide range of financial, economic and EU matters, including the economic challenges faced in both jurisdictions, the work being undertaken to address the global economic crisis, bank restructuring and NAMA. The success of Ireland’s Presidency of the EU and progress made on key issues of mutual interest North and South was acknowledged, as was the co-operation between our administrations during our Presidency term, which had seen Northern Ireland Executive Ministers involved in Presidency-related events and our Ministers briefing their Executive counterparts on Presidency-related issues at NSMC meetings.

There was particular welcome for the provision of €150 million in the EU’s Multi-annual Financial Framework towards a new PEACE programme, the achievements in regard to Common Agriculture Policy Reform and Common Fisheries Policies and the impact of transnational EU programmes.

We thanked the Executive for the provision of meeting facilities and staff by the Northern Ireland Executive Office in Brussels and for the provision of seconded staff from the Northern Ireland Civil Service.

The Plenary also saw a discussion on the levels of youth unemployment in both jurisdictions and the action being taken to tackle this issue. Ministers considered the opportunities for collaboration to address this important matter including through the EU’s new Youth Guarantee and to work with relevant stakeholders to maximise the impact of the Youth Guarantee.

We welcomed the success of the G8 Summit which had acted as a showcase worldwide and discussed how its positive impact and the potential of major tourism events including ‘The Gathering’ and Derry UK City of Culture 2013 can be maximised.

There was also a discussion on the opportunities for both administrations to co-operate in developing trade opportunities in, and building business links with developing markets such as China, Brazil and India. The role of the Irish Embassy network in supporting the Northern Ireland Executive during trade visits was acknowledged.

In addition, there was agreement to co-operate on the new Building a Prosperous and United Community economic package for Northern Ireland which followed the Together: Building a United Community strategy.

Ministers noted the commencement of the consultation with key stakeholders in the North West on the future development of the North West Gateway Initiative and that a report on the outcome of this exercise will be brought to a future NSMC Institutional meeting.

With regard to the St. Andrews Agreement Review we noted that Term of Reference One of the Review is now largely complete; that senior officials from both administrations have met and initiated a work programme to take forward Terms of Reference Two and Three; on expanding the areas of North-South co-operation, and that they will conclude their work and present a report with proposals to the next NSMC Institutional meeting in the autumn.

The plenary was characterised by excellent exchanges with our Northern colleagues on topics of mutual interest and we will continue to work with them to identify additional opportunities where there is scope for further North-South economic co-operation.
