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Departmental Staff Recruitment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 July 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Questions (327)

Billy Kelleher


327. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Education and Skills if a person who is currently employed at executive officer level in an Irish university can transfer to a similar level in his Department. [34384/13]

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Over the last number of years, my Department has been obliged under the Employment Control Framework (ECF) to significantly reduce its staffing numbers. In 2013 the Department will further reduce it's level of staffing in order to meet it's ECF target by the end of the year and it is anticipated that such reductions will continue to be required over the coming years.

My Department does not therefore have any fillable vacancies, nor do we anticipate having any in the medium term. If my Department did have a fillable vacancy with sanction from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to fill the post, we could seek to transfer an individual at the appropriate equivalent level, from the wider education sector's redeployment panel. I understand that there are currently no individuals at this or equivalent level working in the wider education sector who have been declared as surplus on the redeployment panel.

If the Deputy wishes to forward details of a particular case, I will ask my officials to look into the matter.
