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Public Private Partnerships Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 July 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Questions (438)

Mary Lou McDonald


438. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if there is a central record of all public private partnerships, including those at a planning stage or those deferred or cancelled, with information on associated costs to date, work undertaken to date and work required to completion. [35457/13]

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A list of all Public Private Partnership projects currently under contract is published on the PPP website Details of associated costs to date and nominal value of remaining PPP payments are included. The PPP website also contains details of PPP projects which are being planned.

Further information, including details of the competitive process for individual PPP projects and the indicative timeframe for these is available on the website of the National Development Finance Agency, the State’s centre of expertise for the specialist procurement of PPP projects:

The Comptroller and Auditor General also includes a chapter "Financial Commitments under Public Private Partnerships" in his annual report each year which also give details of expenditure to date on PPP projects. The 2011 C&AG chapter included details of expenditure associated with deferred projects.

In line with the normal division of responsibilities in relation to expenditure, my Department has responsibility for setting the overall policy approach for Public Private Partnership projects, while the details of the actual projects is a matter for the relevant Ministers and their Departments and agencies.
