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Departmental Reports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 July 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Questions (875)

Niall Collins


875. Deputy Niall Collins asked the Minister for Justice and Equality if he will provide, in tabular form, the name, costs, date of commission, date or expected date of publication and name of the external consultant of all external reports commissioned by his Department since March 2011. [34407/13]

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I wish to advise the Deputy that the information sought is detailed in the following table.

Report Title




Date of Commission

Date of Publication

Name of Consultant

Review of the Implementation of the National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender based Violence 2010-2014

A mid-term review of progress in the implementation of the National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender based Violence 2010-2014


February 2012

December 2012

The Institute of Public Administration

Research on Drugs and Alcohol Misuse among Adult Offenders on Probation Supervision in Ireland

Research project by the Probation Service


(Not paid from Probation Service subhead)

September 2011

May 2012

Michelle Martyn

Evaluation of Stable and Acute 2007 Risk Assessment and supervision Model in Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland

Research project commissioned jointly by the Probation Service and the Probation Board of Northern Ireland

6,170 (to-date)

February 2012

End of 2013

Professor Tim Trimble, TCD

Prisoner Release

Enquiry into the circumstances surrounding the release of (a prisoner) from the Dóchas Centre


April 2011

Not for Publication

Mr. John O'Sullivan (retired Prison Governor)

Department of Justice & Equality Safety Statement, May 2012, 51 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2

The preparation of a Safety Statement and Risk Assessment Investigation


January 2012

Not for Publication

Dermot Foley, Safecon Training & Consultancy

Report on the Workshop of National Traveller Committees

Report on workshop of committees


June 2012

November 2012

Mr. Owen McCarthy

Report on 'Ethnicity and Travellers Exploration' conference proceedings

Report on NTMAC conference


September 2012

December 2012

Mr. Owen McCarthy

Strategy Development

An audit on the Financial Shared Service Payroll and Financial Management Systems - these are specialist audits to ensure that these key systems have effective controls in place


May 2012

Not for Publication

