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Job Creation Issues

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 18 July 2013

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Questions (283)

Brendan Smith


283. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if any special initiatives will be undertaken by his Department or the State's industrial promotion agencies to assist in the provision of much needed employment in County Monaghan taking into account the loss of jobs at a number of enterprises in County Monaghan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36070/13]

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The Enterprise Development Agencies, under my Department, are to the fore in delivering on the commitments set out in the Action Plan for Jobs 2013 and continue to ensure that businesses can maximise their contribution to economic recovery and employment growth. The Plan contains a range of policy actions to assist the development of indigenous enterprise.

In terms of job creation in Monaghan, Enterprise Ireland’s (EI) activity is focused on the creation of new jobs through supporting entrepreneurs setting up new High Potential Start-Up Companies (HPSU’s), the retention and creation of new jobs in existing companies and in enhancing the innovation capability of Ireland at a national and regional level through support of research in companies and Third Level institutions.

EI provides a range of supports for start-ups including: the Competitive Feasibility Fund for the North East Region (Cavan, Monaghan and Louth) launched in February 2013; the Competitive Start-Up Fund; the Seed and Venture Capital and Development Capital Funds; the HALO Business Angel Partnership Programme, that is mandated to match business angels to appropriate projects; the “New Frontiers” Programme and the Innovation Voucher Initiative. Enterprise Ireland has 124 client companies in Monaghan employing almost 3,500 people. To date in 2013, over €1.4m has been approved to Monaghan companies and €599,000 paid across EI’s suite of supports.

In accordance with its Horizon 2020 Strategy, IDA Ireland continues to engage with its client companies in order to transform the existing foreign direct investment client base with a view to developing, retaining and growing employment opportunities. The primary opportunity for regional locations is to leverage the existing client-base and derive further investment opportunities from them. There are 6 IDA Ireland supported companies in County Monaghan employing in the region of 350 people in full-time and part-time employment.

IDA Ireland has invested in the provision of an extensive portfolio of property solutions in the North East Region which enhances its marketability for potential FDI opportunities. With continuing enhancement and improvements in physical and digital infrastructure, an FDI project secured for one location within a region has a positive impact on other surrounding areas. IDA Ireland will continue to market County Monaghan as part of its strategy for the North East Region for new inward investment through its Gateway of Dundalk, in line with the Government’s National Spatial Strategy and will work closely with its client companies across the Region.

The Monaghan County Enterprise Board develops indigenous enterprise potential, stimulates economic activity at local level, promotes the establishment of micro-enterprises, provides financial support to viable projects, and provides business advice and training. Support is available, subject to certain criteria, to develop indigenous micro-enterprises and entrepreneurship at local level, with priority being given to manufacturing and internationally traded services. Job retention and creation are inherent considerations in the Board’s activities.

In 2012, Monaghan CEB paid out €258,522 to 14 projects and 648 people availed of their training programmes. In 2013 to date, Monaghan CEB has approved grant aid of €171,220 to 6 start-up and developing companies with an expected job creation figure of 15.

Persons from Monaghan who are currently running their own business or are considering starting their own business can contact the Monaghan CEB at:
