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Immigration Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 18 July 2013

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Questions (568)

Robert Troy


568. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the procedure for dealing with unauthorised non-Irish nationals who have spent a considerable time frame here (details supplied). [36665/13]

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All non-EEA nationals in Ireland have a responsibility to remain compliant with the State's immigration laws including having an appropriate permission and to register with the Garda National Immigration Bureau. Any person not compliant with the law should contact the immigration authorities setting out the circumstances of their individual case, how they came to be in the State unlawfully and if there are any extenuating factors.

Ignoring the law and not engaging with the immigration services is not an option and places such persons in a position where the regularisation of their situation is made much more difficult in the long run leading to the issue of a Deportation Order and ultimately removal from the State. Persons unlawfully in the State have the option of leaving voluntarily and there is a voluntary return programme operated by the International Organisation for Migration which provides some financial assistance to those who choose this option.

Illegal migration and employment is detrimental to the legal economy and it is also incumbent on the State to ensure that it does not find itself in a position where it must take up financial obligations in respect of individuals who have not respected our laws.
