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Private Home Care Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 18 September 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Questions (1479)

Patrick O'Donovan


1479. Deputy Patrick O'Donovan asked the Minister for Health his plans to introduce legislation to cover minimum standards, complaints procedures, reporting mechanisms, inspection procedures and other issues as he sees fit, for the protection of elderly persons and vulnerable adults who are cared for in their own homes by public and or private organisations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [38075/13]

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The Programme for Government (Government for National Recovery, 2011-2016) commits to developing and implementing national standards for home support services, which will be subject to inspection by the Health and Information Quality Authority (HIQA).

Primary legislation and resources will be required to implement a statutory regulation system for home care services. Officials in the Department are examining this matter in the overall context of the licensing of Health Care providers. Various options are being considered but given the legislative priorities that apply across the wider Social Care area, including residential services for children and people with disabilities, it is not expected that relevant legislation will be prepared until later in the period covered by the Programme for Government.

I would like to emphasise, however, that statutory regulation or licensing is only one way of improving the safety and quality of services and that other measures have or are being taken to improve the standards of community service for older people delivered by, or on behalf of, the HSE. These include the Procurement Framework for Home Care services (with quality and screening requirements) introduced in mid 2012. New National Quality Guidelines for Home Care Support Services, and new National Home Help Guidelines, which have been prepared and are currently the subject of negotiations between the HSE and SIPTU under the auspices of the Labour Court.
