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Teaching Contracts

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 18 September 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Questions (420)

Mary Lou McDonald


420. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Education and Skills the full year saving to the Exchequer if the weekly teaching hours of third level lecturers were increased to 18 per week. [38643/13]

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The Public Service Stability (Haddington Road) Agreement 2013-2016 arose from an intensive and difficult set of negotiations between the Public Services Committee of ICTU and the Government that took place against a backdrop of continuing significant difficulties in the finances of the State. Union members in the Higher Education sector are currently balloting on this Agreement and in my view it is better for us all to allow them time and space to reflect and come to their decision. I therefore do not think that it would be helpful to this process for me to articulate the potential impact of any further measures beyond those outlined in the Agreement. The Deputy may be aware however that the Institute of Technology sector already has a requirement of 18 teaching contact hours per week.
