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Public Broadcasting Charge Introduction

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 18 September 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Questions (798)

Robert Troy


798. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if a new media or television licence will mean that all houses will have to pay the licence fee; if the new legislation will ensure that the tenant in an apartment will be liable to pay the licence fee or if the the landlord will be liable; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37702/13]

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The Programme for Government commits to examining the role and collection of the TV licence fee in light of existing and projected convergence of technologies and to transforming the TV licence into a household based Public Broadcasting Charge to be applied to all eligible households and applicable businesses, regardless of the device used to access content or services.In line with this commitment, my Department is involved in the ongoing analysis and policy development work that is necessary in advance of the implementation of any changes that may be required. The replacement of the existing funding system based on the collection of television licence fees with one based on the imposition of a device-independent charge on eligible households and businesses is a complex process and requires detailed consideration of issues such as identifying the most appropriate collection method, exemptions and enforcement.

No decision has been taken by Government in relation to the specific application or collection of the Charge, the level of the Charge or who will be liable to pay it. Decisions in respect of these matters will only be taken when I have had the opportunity to give due consideration to the outcome of the ongoing public consultation process which I recently launched. That said, the commitment in the Programme for Government refers to a liability on ‘households’ rather than property owners.

I should emphasise that the proposed charge would replace the existing TV licence system. Furthermore, it is my expectation that the current exemptions in relation to pensioners and those entitled to the Household Benefit Package would continue to apply.
