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Noise Pollution Legislation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 18 September 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Questions (883)

Simon Harris


883. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government when he intends to publish legislation to address noise pollution; if he still envisages the introduction of fixed payment notices to tackle noise pollution; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37310/13]

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The Programme for Government includes a commitment to take further steps to address noise pollution, inter alia , through the introduction of fixed payment notices (also known as on-the-spot fines) .  The development of new noise legislation by my Department is being considered in the context of this c ommitment, however, as indicated in the Government Legis lation Programme published today, it is not possible at this time to indicate when the Bill will be published, having regard to other priorities in the area concerned and the broader range of legislative priorities to be progressed across my Department’s remit.

Currently, a person experiencing noise nuisance may contact their local authority, which may initiate proceedings on grounds of noise nuisance under the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992. This Act also provides for any person, or group of persons, to seek an order in the District Court to have noise giving reasonable cause for annoyance abated. The procedures involved have been simplified to allow action to be taken without legal representation. A public information leaflet, A Guide to the Noise Regulations, outlining the legal avenues available to persons experiencing noise nuisance, is available on my Department’s website
