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Proposed Legislation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 25 September 2013

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Questions (45)

Brian Stanley


45. Deputy Brian Stanley asked the Minister for Justice and Equality his plans for the consolidated and reformed domestic violence legislation as promised in the Programme for Government. [39748/13]

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My Department is currently drawing up policy proposals for my consideration in relation to the consolidation and reform of domestic violence legislation. This is in pursuance of the Programme for Government commitment to introduce consolidated and reformed domestic violence legislation to address all aspects of domestic violence , threatened violence and intimidation, in a way that provides protection to victims. I am also awaiting reports from the Law Reform Commission in relation to consultation processes which they have commenced on amendments to the law on harassment in the context of domestic violence and making breach of a domestic violence order a serious offence for the purposes of a bail application. Once I have had an input into my Department's proposals, detailed drafting of Heads of a Bill will begin on the planned legislation.
