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Fee Paying Schools

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 25 September 2013

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Questions (93)

Finian McGrath


93. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Skills if it is correct that fee charging schools are funding 7,000 teaching jobs and is it economic to reduce same. [40102/13]

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The budget for education, including the number of teaching posts that we can afford to fund in schools is a matter that I will have to consider with my colleagues in Cabinet in the context of the forthcoming budget. The decisions in relation to such matters will be announced at budget time.The Government will endeavour to protect frontline education services as best as possible. However, this must be done within the context of bringing our overall public expenditure into line with what we can afford as a country. The challenge will be to ensure that the resources that can be provided are used to maximum effect to achieve the best possible outcome for pupils.
