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Departmental Staff Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 26 September 2013

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Questions (283)

Joanna Tuffy


283. Deputy Joanna Tuffy asked the Minister for Health if he will provide in tabular form the number of advisers, programme managers, press officers and political staff and communication staff employed by his Department in 1981, 2011 and currently in 2013; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40705/13]

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The information requested by the Deputy regarding advisory staff employed in support of the Minister for Health and Ministers of State at the Department is detailed below:





Dr. Michael Woods, T.D.

* 1 Political Advisor



Dr. James Reilly T.D. Minister for Health


1 Press Advisor

1 Special Advisor

1 Press Advisor

1 Special Advisor

Róisín Shortall T.D. Minister of State


0.5 work sharer - Special Advisor


Alex White T.D. Minister of State



1 Special Advisor

* Despite extensive searches, it is not possible to confirm if there were any other advisors / political staff employed in support of the Minister / Ministers of State in 1981.

The above numbers do not include permanent members of the civil service staff of the Department who may be engaged in functions related to general press and communications work.
