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Health Services Charges

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 26 September 2013

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Questions (41)

Richard Boyd Barrett


41. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Health if cancer patients who have to pay for their own treatment also have to pay for cancer-related surgery. [40066/13]

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Under the provision of the Health Act 1970, a person with full eligibility (i.e. a medical card holder) is eligible for public hospital out-patient and in-patient services, including consultant services, without charge.

A person with limited eligibility (i.e. a non-medical card holder) is entitled, subject to certain charges, to all in-patient public hospital services in public wards including consultant services and out-patient public hospital services including consultant services. The current public hospital statutory in-patient charge is €75 per night subject to a maximum of €750 in any period of 12 consecutive months. Attendance at accident and emergency department is subject to a charge of €100 where the patient does not have a referral note from his/her doctor. This charge applies only to the first episode of care.

Under the Health Acts, a person can also opt to be private to their consultant for out-patient and in-patient services. In doing so they are liable for the fees of all consultants involved in their care. Private consultant fees are a private contractual matter between the consultant and their patient. In addition, patients opting to be private to their consultant for the purposes of in-patient services in public hospitals are also liable for the daily private accommodation charges directed by the Minister under Section 55 of the Health Act 1970 (as amended): a maintenance charge and a daily charge. The maintenance charge ranges from €586 to €1,046 per day for private patients who are accommodated in a private designated bed. The private in-patient daily charge is €75 and is applicable to all private patients without exception.
