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Banking Sector Redundancies

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 26 September 2013

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Questions (79)

Kevin Humphreys


79. Deputy Kevin Humphreys asked the Minister for Finance if all staff accepting voluntary redundancy/retiring from Bank of Ireland were offered briefing on their retirement entitlements; if these seminars were made available to all retiring staff equally; where these briefings were held; if they were more than one day events, if the bank covered accommodation and hospitality costs for the employees attending; if so, the overall cost of same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40208/13]

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Bank of Ireland has informed me that it offers an appropriate range of supports to all employees whose application for Voluntary Parting is accepted by the Group. Bank of Ireland supports include:

- The opportunity to avail of a Financial one-to-one over the telephone with a Qualified Financial Adviser.

- The opportunity to contact a Career Coach to have a telephone coaching session to talk through any career questions.

- Access to an Online Career Centre for 6 months after leaving BOI.

- Opportunity to attend a career support workshop appropriate to parting staff needs.
