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Wastewater Treatment Issues

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 1 October 2013

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Questions (460)

Catherine Murphy


460. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government in the cases where pumping stations for wastewater are featured as part of a planning permission within housing estates, the new measures that will apply from January 2014 between Irish Water and the relevant local authority when those estates are being taken in charge; in respect of the pumping stations, if there are cross agency and-or authority working groups dealing with such technical issues; if he will outline those groups and their remit; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40499/13]

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The Water Sector Reform Implementation Strategy, which is published on my Department's website, is focused on ensuring that appropriate policy and legal frameworks are put in place for Irish Water and the water sector. In the context of broader water governance issues, work is currently underway to identify and clarify boundary issues between functions which will transfer to Irish Water and those remaining with local authorities. In this regard, a sub-group comprising representatives from my Department, the Water Services Transition Office and Irish Water has been established to examine issues arising in relation to developer provided water services infrastructure and it will make recommendations on the matter. In addition, a Development Management System sub-group was established to provide clarity in relation to the two-way interaction between Irish Water and Planning Authorities in the context of the development management system. My Department, Irish Water and the Transition Office were represented on that group.
