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Children in Care

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 3 October 2013

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Questions (219)

Thomas P. Broughan


219. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs further to Parliamentary Question No. 37 of 19 September 2013, if she will provide more information on the in-depth review being undertaken of all residential care services for children and young persons by an appointed national manager of the Health Service Executive; and when this review will be completed. [41695/13]

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I have been advised by the HSE that the Children and Family Services in the HSE are implementing a major programme of reform and development in preparation for the establishment of the Child and Family Agency. Recognising the shortcomings in child care services which have been identified in Reports in recent years ( Ryan, Roscommon) this reform programme is aimed at strengthening the organisational capacity, business processes and systems necessary to deliver safe and reliable child protection services.

One element of this programme involves a national review of all residential services including National High Support and Special Care Services which has been commissioned by the National Director. This national review is being implemented under the direction of the newly appointed Service Director for Children’s Residential Services and the incoming Chief Operations Officer for Children and Family Services. The HSE has a statutory responsibility to provide Alternative Care Services under the provisions the Child Care Act, 1991, the Children Act, 2001 and the Child Care (Amendment) Act, 2007. Children who require admission to care are accommodated through placement in foster care, placement with relatives, or residential care. The HSE also has a responsibility to provide Aftercare services.

The process is encompassing a comprehensive review of current capacity, current demand, occupancy levels, statutory and regulatory compliance and manpower management. The purpose of the review is to establish a fit for purpose national, standardised residential service which is fully integrated with all other Children and Family Services locally and nationally and which has the capacity and resources to meet anticipated demand. The HSE has advised that the review will be completed in Q1 2014.
