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Economic Growth Initiatives

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 10 October 2013

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Questions (12)

John Browne


12. Deputy John Browne asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the actions he will take following the recent report on employment in the south east region; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42709/13]

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The report of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation on the South East Economic Development Strategy (SEEDS), launched on the 16th September, is a helpful contribution to identifying possible interventions to assist the South East region economically.

It represents a comprehensive detailed assessment of a wide range of factors that can contribute to the overall economic development of the South East region. Currently my Department is considering the contents of this report, and assessing the merits and practicality of its recommendations. Some of the suggested actions relate to matters which come within the remit of other Government Departments or bodies and some of the recommendations could have significant financial implications, which would be a challenge in the current financial climate.

This report builds on the comprehensive Forfás South East Action Plan which I commissioned at the time of the Talk Talk closure. Work is on-going on the implementation of those Action Plan recommendations, with agencies and stakeholders working together to maximise benefits for the region. I have also established a South East Forum of the key stakeholders within the region. Hopefully this new report will complement and reinforce the objectives of the current Action Plan.

All the key State players have been actively pursuing initiatives to facilitate development and job creation in the region, and I look forward to continued co-operation and collaboration with real benefits for the South East.

I will be asking the South East forum to let me have their considered views on the Joint Committee report. I will, in due course, also be happy to discuss its findings with the committee, in the context of our ongoing constructive dialogue.
