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Medical Card Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 November 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Questions (1022)

John Deasy


1022. Deputy John Deasy asked the Minister for Health if applicants for the over 70's medical card are subject to the same discretionary conditions as those under 70 whereby financial hardship as a result of medical need may be assessed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45606/13]

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Medical Card and GP Visit Card eligibility under the scheme for persons aged 70 or older is solely based on an assessment of gross income.

For persons person aged 70 or older who are assessed as ineligible under the gross income thresholds that apply, they may also have their eligibility assessed under the means tested medical card scheme. This assessment is based on net income and assessable outgoing expenses and the qualifying income thresholds under this scheme are lower than over -70s gross income thresholds. If a person is means assessed ineligible for a medical card under the general scheme and that person has other social, medical or financial circumstances relevant to an assessment of their ability to provide for their medical needs or the medical needs of any dependants they may have, these factors will be considered to decide if a medical card or GP visit card should be approved on discretionary grounds under the ‘undue hardship’ or ‘undue burden’ provision of the medical card scheme.
