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Commencement of Legislation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 November 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Questions (1214)

Ciara Conway


1214. Deputy Ciara Conway asked the Minister for Health if he will provide a list for legislation for which a commencement order has yet to be signed; the reason for the delay; if he will provide a timeline for when commencement orders will be signed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46824/13]

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I understand the Deputy's question relates to legislation enacted since March 2011. The information sought is set out in the table.

Name of Act

Provisions of Act not yet commenced


Nurses and Midwives Act 2011

Sections 4(2), 9(2)(g)(ii),

17(3), 37(2)(a), 39-45, 59(1) (b) (so far as it relates to a professional competence scheme), 59(2)(d), 64(5) and (6), 65(1)(b) , 84, Part 11, Sections 102(2), (3) and (5), 103

This is a comprehensive piece of legislation which is being commenced on a gradual basis.

Health (Alteration of Criteria for Eligibility) Act 2013

Section 4

The Department is in on-going consultations with the Attorney General’s Office re commencement.

Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013

Section 36

It is intended to commence this section in Quarter 2, 2014.

Public Health (Tobacco) (Amendment) Act 2013

Full Act

The Commencement order for this Act and relevant regulations are currently being drafted with a view to commencing the Act in the very near future.

Health (Amendment ) Act 2013

Section 4 and 11(a)

Sections 7(e)(ii), 8, 9 10,11(b), 12, 18 and 19

To be commenced but no plan at present.

Regulations and Guidelines are in preparation. It is intended to commence by late 2013/early 2014.

Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013

Full Act

The intended commencement date is by end of 2013. There are operational issues which need to be addressed before it can be commenced and the Department is liaising with the HSE in this regard.
