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Social Welfare Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 November 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Questions (469)

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


469. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Social Protection the way many of the 3,000 places announced in December 2012 under the new local authority social employment scheme have been filled; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45821/13]

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Gateway aims to improve the employability and maintain the work readiness of those who have been unemployed for 24 months or more. In line with Pathways to Work, Gateway will help to bridge the gap between unemployment and re-entering the workforce. The process of identifying work opportunities has been underway in each county and city council, including the necessary consultation with stakeholders, for some months. Participants are being selected by a random process conducted by the Department of Social Protection from those persons in receipt of a jobseekers allowance payment for 24 month or more. The selected jobseekers are informed that they have been selected and, if they agree, have their contact details passed to the relevant county and city council. The council is responsible for the recruitment of the persons referred by the Department having regard to general suitability and skill set and the objectives of Gateway in providing opportunities to those will benefit most from such an intervention.

Progress on the roll-out has been slower than anticipated with delays in the main related to the on-going staff restructuring processes of county and city councils, the need to engage with stakeholders, particularly staff representative bodies and trade unions, and operational matters relating to securing resources, identifying work and supervisory cover. The Deputy will appreciate that my Department has no role in determining the positions that might be made available or of internal operational matters within each council area.

Recruitment processes are at varying degrees of roll-out in 22 county and city council areas and I am hopeful that the first participants will be on the payroll shortly once Garda Vetting procedures have been completed.

Question No. 470 answered with Question No. 428.
Question No. 471 answered with Question No. 427.