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Back to Education Allowance Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 November 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Questions (480)

Catherine Murphy


480. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will confirm that applicants for back to education allowance who deferred an offer of a place in 2012 will be assessed according to 2012 and not 2013 criteria; if exceptional circumstances may apply in case of a person (details supplied) who deferred, so that this person may avail of back to education allowance this year; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45907/13]

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This Department provides a wide range of second chance educational opportunities for unemployed people, lone parents and persons with disabilities.

New entrants to the back to education allowance (BTEA) scheme are subject to the prevailing qualifying conditions and rates of payment at the time of their inclusion on the scheme. A person who defers an offer of a place on a new course of education for a year, and then applies for a BTEA is defined as a new entrant for the purposes of the scheme.

The person concerned did not qualify for BTEA in 2012 as he did not meet the qualifying criteria. Accordingly he is defined as a new entrant and therefore will be subject to the current qualifying conditions and rates of payments of the scheme.
