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Local Authority Finances

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 November 2013

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Questions (659)

Lucinda Creighton


659. Deputy Lucinda Creighton asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will detail in tabular form the total combined figure in euro for all local authorities for deficits, outstanding bank debt, paid overtime, current revenues used to pay pensions; if he will detail the total number of sick days accounted for in all local authorities; if he will detail the cumulative payroll cost for 2012 for all local authorities as a percentage of their overall revenue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45935/13]

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Audited local authority financial data for 2012 are not yet available. The audit of the 2012 local authority Annual Financial Statements is scheduled for completion by end March 2014. The 2011 Annual Financial Statements are available on my Department’s website at At the 31 December 2011, 41 local authorities recorded a cumulative revenue account deficit amounting to some €74 million.

The most recent published figures for sick days are set out in the report Service Indicators in Local Authorities 2011 which was published by the Local Government Management Agency in April 2013, a copy of which is in the Oireachtas Library. Based on figures reported by local authorities, the total number of days lost in the sector to absenteeism amounted to 350,224 in 2011 (or 5.09% of working days). Based on figures reported to my Department, the total paid overtime in 2012 amounted to €55,608,820 (or 4.11% of Gross Cash Remuneration).

The further information requested, sourced from the 2011 Annual Financial Statements, is set out in the following table.


Loans payable


Pensions (incl Gratuities)


Total payroll expenses


Total revenue income


Payroll expenses % of revenue income

