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Local Authorities Management

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 7 November 2013

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Questions (151)

Joan Collins


151. Deputy Joan Collins asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the fact that legal advice presented to the current mayor of Sligo confirms that a meetings administrator designated by a county manager who fails in the obligation to issue notification to councillors for statutory meetings of the borough council is in clear breach of statutory duty; if it has been drawn to his attention that legal advice presented to the previous mayor of Sligo clearly stated that the county manager or his designated officials have a bounden duty to adhere to the mayor's directions in relation to the convening of meetings of the borough council and that the county manager is not entitled to subvert both the standing order of the council and the legislation in relation to the convening of borough council meetings; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the Sligo county manager failed to ensure that his designated meetings administrator issued notification to elected councillors for statutory meetings of Sligo Borough Council which were to take place in April, May, September, October and November 2013; if it has been drawn to his attention that the Sligo county manager did ensure that his designated meetings administrator issued notification to elected councillors for statutory meetings of the borough council in June and July 2013; if it has been drawn to his attention that the manager failed to ensure that his designated meetings administrator issued notification to councillors for borough council meetings requisitioned by the mayor of Sligo for 21 October and the 4 November 2013; if he will consider introducing legislation which will prevent a county manager and his or her designated meetings administrator from subverting local democracy and from subverting local government legislation enacted by the Oireachtas; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47512/13]

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I refer to the reply to Questions Nos. 681 and 706 of 5 November 2013, which sets out the position. I am not aware of any legal advice to the current or previous mayor of Sligo Borough Council. I do not intend to introduce legislation as suggested.
