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Community Employment Schemes Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 12 November 2013

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Questions (187)

Derek Nolan


187. Deputy Derek Nolan asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will provide information as to whether or not an entrepreneurial fund for a community employment scheme exists; if so, the way this fund may be applied for; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [47736/13]

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The Community Employment Programme is an active labour market programme to support long-term unemployed people re-enter the workforce, it is the largest active labour market intervention in Ireland. The aim of Community Employment (CE) is to enhance the employability and mobility of disadvantaged and unemployed persons by providing work experience and training opportunities within their communities. Community and voluntary organisations sponsor local/community projects that satisfy two essential criteria - that they respond to an identified community need, and that they provide training/development opportunities for participants. There is no entrepreneurial fund available under CE. The Deputy is asked to refer to the Enterprise Boards and Local Development Companies who may have a range of supports available depending on the feasibility of the proposal submitted.
