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Charity Sector Remuneration

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 12 November 2013

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Questions (296)

Terence Flanagan


296. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the action he is taking to ensure that salaries and wages for management and executives in the charity sector are reduced and that no bonuses are being paid; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [47878/13]

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Setting the levels of remuneration of charity employees is a matter for individual charities themselves. This will remain the case when the Charities Act 2009 comes into force. Though it should be noted that charity trustees cannot be remunerated for carrying out their duties as trustees.

The reporting requirements that will apply to charities once the Act is in force will increase transparency across the sector. Charities will be required to provide annual reports to the independent regulatory authority that is to be established under the Act. These reports will be made available to the public. In this way, members of the public will have access to greater information about how charities use their resources, including public donations. In July, the Government approved my plans to proceed with the establishment of the new Authority and it is envisaged that it will come into operation next year.
