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Single Payment Scheme Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 21 November 2013

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Questions (192)

Paul Connaughton


192. Deputy Paul J. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if a person (details supplied) in County Galway who is currently receiving a single farm payment would continue to receive that payment if they planted some of their land with forestry and received a forestry premium for that portion of land; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49974/13]

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Following changes to the EU Regulations land which was afforested since 2009 and land which will be afforested in 2013 will be eligible to draw down an SPS payment in 2013 provided that the afforested land meets the following requirements:

- The land to be afforested was declared on a 2008 SPS application form.

- The applicant who declared that land on a 2008 SPS application form was paid under the 2008 Single Payment Scheme.

- The land to be afforested was eligible to draw down an SPS payment in 2008.

- Applicants, who afforest part of their holding from 2009 onwards and wish to benefit from the Single Payment, must retain at least 10% of the eligible hectares declared in 2008 (by the applicant or their predecessor) in an agricultural activity subject to a minimum of 3 hectares.

- If the applicant is a new entrant to farming, the minimum area to be retained in an agricultural activity will be fixed by the Department on a case by case basis.

- Applicants, who wish to benefit from the Single Payment on afforested land, must be the person or persons in joint management of receipt of afforestation premium. This applies to members of the same family.

- The afforested land meets all the requirements of the Afforestation Grant and Premium Scheme, FEPS or the Native Woodland Establishment Scheme.

- Eligible Forestry parcels that are declared on SPS applications to activate entitlements will also be subject to cross-compliance requirements.

Should the lands the person named proposes to plant meet the above criteria, they will be eligible under the Single Payment Scheme. The onus remains firmly with the applicant to ensure all lands declared under the Single Payment Scheme are eligible.
