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HSE Staff Responsibilities

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 26 November 2013

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Questions (584)

Eoghan Murphy


584. Deputy Eoghan Murphy asked the Minister for Health if the chief executive officers of individual hospitals or areas of the health service are responsible for their performance regarding budgeting and so on; and if so to whom are they responsible. [50200/13]

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Each agency under the aegis of the Department of Health has set out the respective roles of its Accounting Officer and Chief Executive Officer. For bodies which have a Board, the Board is responsible for the body’s system of internal controls, including financial, operational and compliance controls and risk management. The Chief Executive Officer is answerable to the Board. Each State body has a properly constituted internal audit function or should engage appropriate external expertise in this regard and should operate within the provisions set out in the Department of Finance’s “Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies”. In relation to the specific arrangements in relation to hospitals and agencies for which the HSE is responsible I have forwarded the question to the HSE for direct reply to the Deputy.
