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Departmental Investigations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 3 December 2013

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Questions (337)

John McGuinness


337. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if he will provide in tabular form the domestic and EU legislation under the auspices of which the special investigations unit in his Department operates. [51512/13]

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In line with normal legislative practice, a wide range of legislation in the agriculture sector is enforced by “authorised officers” appointed for that purpose. Such officers include staff of my Department, members of the Garda Síochána and Officers of Customs and Excise. Staff in my Department’s Investigation Unit are authorised officers similar to other officers in my Department to exercise inspection functions in relation to the national and EU legislation listed in the table below. Authorisation under EU legislation is achieved by way of authorisation under the corresponding implementing national legislation.

Domestic and EU legislation

EU Legislation

Livestock (A.I.) Act 1947

Livestock Marts Act 1967

Animal Remedies Act 1993

Bovine Disease Levies Act, 1979

Diseases of Animals Act 1966 to 2001

Diseases of Animals Act 1966 (Registration of Poultry Premises) Order 2008

European Communities (African Swine Fever) Regulations 2013

European Communities (Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)(Compliance) Regulations 2009

European Communities (Animal Remedies)(No 2) Regulations 2007

European Communities (Animal Remedies and Medicated Feedstuffs) Regulations 1994

European Communities (Approval and Registration of Dealers of Bovine Animals and Swine) Regulations 2007

European Communities (Control of Animal Remedies and Their Residues) Regulations 2009

European Communities (Control of Classical Swine Fever) Regulations 2012

European Communities (Control of Foot and Mouth) Regulations 2012

European Communities (Disposal, Processing and Placing on the Market of Animal By-Products) Regulations 1994

European Communities (Equine) Regulations 2011

European Communities (Fees for Health Inspections and Controls of Fresh Meat) Regulations 2004

European Communities (Food and Feed Hygiene) Regulations 2009

European Communities (Identification and Registration of Pigs) Regulations 2008

European Communities (Identification of Bovines) Regulations 2009

European Communities (Labelling of Beef and Beef Products) Regulations 2000 as amended

European Communities (Meat Products and Other Products of Animal Origin) Amendment Regulations 1997

European Communities (Meat Products and Other Products of Animal Origin) Regulations 1995

European Communities (Milk Quota) Regulations 2008

European Communities (Newcastle Disease) Regulations 2012

European Communities (Poultry and Hatching Eggs) Regulations 2010

European Communities (Protection Measures in relation to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza of the Subtype H5NI )(No 2) Regulations 2006

European Communities (Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes) Act 1984

European Communities (Sheep Identification) Regulations 2011

European Communities (Swine Vesicular Disease) Regulations 2013

European Communities (Trade in Animals and Animal Products) Regulations 1994

European Communities (Trade in Bovine Breeding Animals, their Semen, Ova and Embryos) Regulations 1996

European Communities (Trade in Porcine Semen - Animal Health) Regulations 1993

European Communities (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies and Animal By-Products) Regulations 2008

European Communities (Welfare of Farmed Animals) Regulations 2010
