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Tax Code

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 3 December 2013

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Questions (91)

Finian McGrath


91. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Finance if he will clarify the number of revenue contract companies that are registered offshore; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [51964/13]

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Due to the diverse nature of the tax and duty administration, Revenue maintains contracts with hundreds of suppliers. Revenue adheres to national and EU procurement rules and all its suppliers are required to have tax clearance. The company registration location of each supplier is not recorded on Revenue’s procurement system.

In the last year, Revenue made payments to some 28 suppliers with non-Irish bank accounts, mostly UK and other EU businesses, for a variety of goods and services. This figure excludes minor and typically once-off acquisitions. The contracts range from computer hardware and software to mobile x-ray scanners and other specialist services.

Revenue publishes on its website a list of all payments in excess of €20,000 made each quarter .
