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Children in Care

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 4 December 2013

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Questions (145)

Clare Daly


145. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the nationalities of children in care, on a county basis, for the past ten years. [52061/13]

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The HSE compiles monthly performance reports which include statistics in relation to children in care. These reports are published on the HSE website. The latest published report shows that there were 6,465 children in the care of the HSE in September 2013. The HSE has advised me that the nationalities of children in care is not reported on a county basis. The 'Indicators of Need' chapter in the Section 8 Review of Adequacy Reports provides basic information on the ethnicity of children in care. This report is also available on the HSE website The detailed information requested in this PQ will be recorded when the National Child Care Information System (NCCIS) is completed. The NCCIS will be the central system supporting Social Work services. As a social work case management system, it will be used to record and store the case history of every child and other clients of the service. Management information will be derived automatically from the case management system. The introduction of the NCCIS is a high priority and will help in the management of social work case management and will significantly improve the level, quality and accessibility of information in respect of Children and Family Services.
