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Student Grant Scheme Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 December 2013

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Questions (178)

Thomas P. Broughan


178. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the supports that are available to students who have been eligible for student maintenance grants for the majority of their degree, for example the first three years of a four-year degree, but then become ineligible for the grant in the latter part of their studies due to changes in the eligibility criteria. [52620/13]

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A grant is payable for the normal duration of an approved course and is renewed annually subject to ongoing compliance with the terms and conditions of the student grant scheme including the income thresholds. There was no policy change in Budget 2013 to the Student Grant Scheme or to any of the student grant rates including the non-adjacent or adjacent rates of grant, or the higher special rate of grant. However, Budget 2013 provided for a 3% reduction in grant income thresholds in the 2013 grant scheme. The measure applies to both new and renewal applications. This reduction in thresholds does not apply to the threshold for the special rate of grant and the threshold for the €2,000 contribution at postgraduate level which remains at €31,500 for the 2013/14 academic year. The income limits for grant eligibility are increased relative to the number of students in a family applying for a grant.

Students in third-level institutions experiencing exceptional financial need can apply for support under the Student Assistance Fund. This Fund assists students, in a sensitive and compassionate manner, who might otherwise be unable to continue their third level studies due to their financial circumstances. Information on the fund is available through the Access Officer in the third level institution attended. The fund is administered on a confidential, discretionary basis.
