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State Pathologists

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 December 2013

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Questions (393)

Bernard Durkan


393. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the extent to which resources are available to the State Pathologist's office to ensure the earliest possible conclusion of examination of the victim takes place in the shortest possible time, thereby facilitating early detection; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53083/13]

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As the Deputy may be aware, Dr Khalid Jaber has recently tendered his resignation from the post of Deputy State Pathologist. Dr Jaber's resignation has been accepted and he has been notified accordingly.

Following the resignation of Dr Jaber the primary service operated by the State Pathology Office is being provided by the State Pathologist, Professor Marie Cassidy and the Deputy State Pathologist, Dr Michael Curtis. This service is supplemented, as required, by Dr Margot Bolster, Assistant State Pathologist.

It is of course a matter for the State Pathologist to determine how her Office operates and in that regard I understand she is in the process of putting the necessary operational arrangements in place to take account of the resignation of Dr Jaber. In particular, I have been informed by the State Pathologist that she has arranged for Dr Bolster to assume on-call call duties which would previously have fallen to be undertaken by Dr Jaber.

In this context it is my view that a professional and comprehensive pathology service will continue to be delivered by the Office of the State Pathologist and in that regard I have full confidence in the State Pathologist Professor Cassidy and her staff.

Finally, I can assure the Deputy, and the members of this House, that the question of finding a replacement for Dr Jaber is being pursued very actively by my Department. In this connection the filling of the vacancy has been approved by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
