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Charities Regulation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 December 2013

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Questions (465)

Billy Timmins


465. Deputy Billy Timmins asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the amount of funding that her Department gives to Irish charities; the name of each organisation that receives funding; the amount of funding each organisation receives; the number that are open and transparent regarding salaries; and the steps she is taking to deal with non-disclosures. [53546/13]

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The Department of Children and Youth Affairs currently provides funding directly to a wide range of community, voluntary and other organisations who have charitable status that are engaged in the provision of specific services to children and young people. The most significant share of the funding, which amounts to €249 million is targeted at implementing three major childcare programmes that include the Community Childcare Subvention (CCS) programme, the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme, and the Community Education and Training CETS) programme. There is no salary component to this funding provision which is, by its nature, a capitation payment to meet the cost of child-care for parents/guardians.

My Department also provides annual funding to seven National Voluntary Childcare Organisations to enable them to provide a support service to their members in the context of these programmes. This funding amounted to €3.61m in 2013. The individual amounts paid were as follows:




Border Counties Childcare Network


Childminding Ireland


Early Childhood Ireland


Forbairt Naionraí Teo


Irish Steiner Kindergarten Association


St Nicholas Montessori


My Department also provides funds to support organisations through a number of other programmes that include the following -

- Funding for the support of voluntary youth work is made available on an annual basis to 30 national and major regional voluntary youth organisations through the Youth Service Grant Scheme which is intended to ensure the emergence, promotion, growth and development of youth organisations with distinctive philosophies and programmes aimed at the social education of young people. Just over €10 million has been made available this year to support the organisations. Bodies in receipt of funding in this area are required as part of their reporting to disclose salary details to the Department.

- Support for Barnardos and Early Childhood Ireland who act in the role of authorised signatory in accordance with the Child Care (Pre-School Services) (No. 2) Regulations for the vetting of childcare providers. The Department of Children and Youth Affairs has facilitated these organisations in this regard through the provision of funding, which amounts to €132,700 and €100,000 respectively in 2013, to cover the cost of providing this service. The funding provided in this instance is in respect of purchase of a service only with no specific salary element.

- The provision of €87,631 to the ISPCC towards the running costs associated with the operation of the Missing Children Hotline. The funding provided in this instance is in respect of purchase of a service with no specific salary element.

- The provision of €311,000 to Foróige to provide contractual services for a range of children and young people's participation initiatives that include supporting Comhairle na nÓg, Dáil na nÓg and consultation with children and young people on behalf of my Department and other Government Departments and agencies. These services are tendered for by my Department and reports received include details of all per diem payments made.

- Grants are also made available to groups and organisations involved in the provision of services to children and young people through the provision of €500,000 from the application based National Lottery Funding Scheme. The provision of lottery funding if essentially once off and, as such, proposals seeking support to meet salary costs are not generally recommended.
