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UN Missions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 11 December 2013

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Questions (16, 21, 24)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn


16. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Defence if, in the wake of the recent violent attack on Irish troops serving in the Golan Heights, he believes that Irish troops are now being viewed as a legitimate target for anti-government rebel attacks; if the attack has changed any security procedures on the ground; and if he will now review his decision to send troops to serve on this mission. [52775/13]

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Mick Wallace


21. Deputy Mick Wallace asked the Minister for Defence if he has considered withdrawing Irish troops from Syria following the recent firefight in which they were caught up; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52912/13]

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Mick Wallace


24. Deputy Mick Wallace asked the Minister for Defence if he has received a report on the investigation carried out by the Defence Forces into the recent firefight involving Irish troops in Syria; if his attention has been drawn to any casualties as a result of the incident; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52908/13]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 16, 21 and 24 together.

Following Government and Dáil approval, the deployment of the 43rd Infantry Group to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) on the Golan Heights was successfully completed on 28 September 2013. The 43rd Infantry Group, comprising 115 personnel, consists of a Force Reserve Company and support elements. Their role includes the provision of a Quick Reaction Force which is on standby to assist with on-going operations within the UNDOF Area of Responsibility. The Irish Infantry Group is also tasked with carrying out patrols and convoy escorts as necessary. I addressed the question of the incident which occurred on 28 November 2013 involving Defence Forces personnel serving with UNDOF in Syria, in answering a priority PQ earlier.

Irish troops are deployed to the Golan Heights at a time of increased instability in that region. That was the situation pertaining in the region when Dáil Éireann considered this issue last July, when it decided to deploy the contingent to UNDOF. It was never the case that this deployment was going to be easy. Both the political and the security situation in the region is volatile; that is why we are there. Clearly, when we deploy troops to these types of operations, we must also understand and accept that we are putting them in harm's way and that situations, such as the recent attack, can and will happen. My responsibility, as Minister for Defence, is to ensure that our personnel have the resources, equipment and training necessary to deal with such incidents. I am glad to say that the personnel of the Irish Force Mobile Reserve are fully trained and equipped with appropriate force protection assets to undertake their important duties on behalf of the United Nations and that they remain fully committed to this task. The performance of the equipment and personnel in this most recent incident is testament to the standard and quality of the equipment which the Defence Forces have at their disposal and of the commitment and professionalism of our personnel.

There are no indications at this time to suggest that the Anti Government Armed Elements see Irish troops as a target. Given the evolving security situation, the UNDOF mission has continued to reconfigure its operations with a view to ensuring the safety of personnel while continuing to implement the mission's mandate. All necessary Force Protection measures on the ground continue to be implemented by the Irish contingent. In addition, ongoing threat assessments are carried out in the mission area and the Chief of Staff continually reviews both personal equipment and force assets, to ensure that those Defence Forces personnel deployed to the mission are appropriately equipped to fulfil their roles.

Question No. 17 answered with Question No. 11.
Question No. 18 answered with Question No. 10.