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Defence Forces Deployment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 11 December 2013

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Questions (23)

Pádraig Mac Lochlainn


23. Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn asked the Minister for Defence if his attention has been drawn to the recent violent attack by Malian Government soldiers on protesters in the rebel held north east of the country; that Turaeg rebels have ended their ceasefire agreement with the Malian Government as a result; and if he has any plans to withdraw Irish troops serving in the country. [52776/13]

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I assume the Deputy is referring to reports of clashes between protestors and security forces in Kidal, a town in the northern part of Mali, on 28 November 2013. I understand the violence broke out ahead of the planned arrival of the Malian Prime Minister to Kidal. However, I have been informed that the circumstances and details of the incident have yet to be established. I strongly condemn the violence and would urge all parties to exercise restraint, and stand by their commitments contained in the Ouagadougou Agreement. This Agreement, which was signed on 18 June 2013 between the transitional Government and the armed groups in the northern regions of Mali, is a preliminary agreement to hold the Presidential election and inclusive peace talks in Mali. The Presidential elections and recent Parliamentary elections were significant milestones in the restoration of constitutional order in Mali, and signs that Mali is making positive political progress and returning to democratic Government. I hope the final round of Parliamentary elections due to take place next week can proceed in a peaceful environment and give the Malian people the opportunity to decide their political leadership.

The recent violence in northern Mali only serves to highlight the need for international support to help Mali overcome the current crisis. The Defence Forces continue to monitor the security situation in Mali closely. There are no plans at this time to withdraw the eight (8) Irish personnel currently serving with EU Training Mission in southern Mali.

Question No. 24 answered with Question No. 16.