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Wednesday, 11 Dec 2013

Written Answers Nos. 142-146

Defence Forces Strength

Questions (142)

Bernard Durkan


142. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Defence the extent to which he expects retirement to affect the numbers in the Defence Forces in the current year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53325/13]

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I am advised by the military authorities that between 1 January 2013 and 31 October 2013, the latest date for which figures are available, 362 personnel left the Permanent Defence Force. Taking these departures into account, the strength of the Permanent Defence Force at 31 October 2013 stood at 9,222. As the Deputy will be aware the Government has agreed a stabilised strength of 9,500 for the Permanent Defence Force in the context of current strength numbers being below the agreed stabilised strength.

General Service recruitment recommenced in September 2013 from the existing competition panels. As of 2 December, there has been an intake of 360 recruits from these panels. In addition, 9 Engine Room Artificers for the Naval Service have recently been recruited while the induction of up to 8 Apprentices for the Air Corps is in the process of being completed. It is my intention that targeted recruitment will continue within the resource envelope allocated to Defence and in this regard it is planned to run a new General Service recruitment competition in the first half of 2014. With the support of the Chief of Staff and within the resources available, it is intended to retain the capacity of the Defence Forces to operate effectively across all roles and to undertake the tasks laid down by Government both at home and overseas.

EU Directives

Questions (143)

Anthony Lawlor


143. Deputy Anthony Lawlor asked the Minister for Defence the number of EU directives relating to his Department that have yet to be transposed into Irish law despite the deadline date having passed; when it is proposed that these directives will be transposed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53349/13]

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I am advised that there are no EU directives related to my Department that have yet to be transposed into Irish law despite the deadline date been passed.

Departmental Legal Costs

Questions (144)

Jim Daly


144. Deputy Jim Daly asked the Minister for Defence the cost incurred in his Department as a result of Oireachtas Members initiating legal challenges in the courts for each of the past five years; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53888/13]

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The Department of Defence has not incurred any costs as a result of Oireachtas members initiating legal challenges in the Courts in the past five years.

Departmental Properties

Questions (145)

Thomas P. Broughan


145. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a decision will be made in respect of a request from his Department regarding the site for a tourism kiosk (details supplied) in County Dublin. [53222/13]

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My Department has agreed in principle with Fingal County Council to their request for a site to locate a tourist information kiosk within the confines of the Fishery Harbour Centre in Howth. Discussions with the Council in relation to this project are ongoing. These discussions centre on ensuring that all the necessary legal and administrative aspects in relation to the project are finalised and in place. I expect that the site for the kiosk will be made available to Fingal County Council shortly subject to the necessary legal procedures being met.

Agriculture Schemes Payments

Questions (146)

Pat Breen


146. Deputy Pat Breen asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine further to Parliamentary Question No. 172 of 9 October 2013, when payments will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53157/13]

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Payments under the Single Payment Scheme, Disadvantaged Areas and AEOS Scheme issued directly to the bank account of the person named on 4 December 2013. These payments were made subject to an agreement in place following the application of a Garnishee Order on the account of the person named.
