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Wednesday, 11 Dec 2013

Written Answers Nos. 177-181

Mental Health Services Provision

Questions (177)

Dan Neville


177. Deputy Dan Neville asked the Minister for Health his views regarding the closure of Curam Mental Health Clinic in Swords, County Dublin; if he is prepared to intervene in this matter (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53180/13]

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As this is a service matter this question has been referred to the HSE for direct reply.

Nursing Homes Support Scheme Applications

Questions (178)

Éamon Ó Cuív


178. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Health the provision for the fair deal in the Estimates of 2012, 2013 and 2014; the outturn in relation to spend in 2012 and 2013; the cutback in funding for 2014; the number of places on the fair deal scheme that will be reduced in 2014; the length of the waiting list at present of persons waiting to be approved under the fair deal scheme; the number approved that are awaiting fair deal payment to enable them to avail of the scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53186/13]

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The total budget for long-term residential care was €994.7m in 2012 and is €974m for 2013. According to the Appropriation Accounts published on the Comptroller and Auditor General's website, the outturn in 2012 was €962.6m. The outturn for 2013 will not be available until next year.

With regard to funding for 2014, the Deputy will be aware that the total amounts available to fund health services in 2014 will be considerably lower than for this year. Accordingly, all expenditure headings are being scrutinised. The funding that is available must be balanced across all of the various service areas in a way that achieves the best possible outcomes for the greatest number of service users and prioritises areas of greatest need as far as possible.

The needs of our older people are, and will remain, a very high priority for me and for the Government, and the resources that ultimately are available will be applied to provide the best possible mix of supports and services.

At end-September there were 1,433 applications for the Scheme in the process of being determined.

On the 18th November there were 184 people on the placement list for the Nursing Homes Support Scheme. At that stage it was taking 7 days for funding to issue, from the date that the person was first placed on the list.

Hospital Admissions

Questions (179)

Sean Fleming


179. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) in County Laois will be transferred to a hospital; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53188/13]

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As this is a service matter it has been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply.

Hospital Facilities

Questions (180)

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin


180. Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Health if he will provide in tabular form the total number of beds in the three paediatric hospitals, broken down by hospital site and by speciality; the projected total number of beds when the new national children's hospital is completed and for same by speciality; the method used to calculate the projected demand and the consideration which is given to population increase; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53191/13]

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The new children's hospital will provide single rooms with en-suite bathroom and will provide overnight in-room accommodation for parents

Planning of the number of beds for the new children's hospital was undertaken during the previous phase of this project on the Mater campus, based on ongoing analysis of paediatric hospital activity, ongoing review of Diagnostic Related Groups (clinical activity), review of existing and future service plans with each of the specialty groups and application of National CSO Population and Labour Force Projections. This was carried out in parallel with a review of paediatric acute care trends internationally and the application of LEAN healthcare principles. Following the Government decision to locate the hospital on the St James's campus, further analysis of existing and planned hospital activity is being carried out and the number of beds required in the new children’s hospital at the St James’s Hospital campus will be established as part of this process.

In regard to details of the beds by specialty in the three existing children's hospitals, as this is a service matter I have asked the HSE to respond directly to the Deputy.

Hospital Staff Issues

Questions (181)

Dara Calleary


181. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Health the timekeeping or auditing system used in hospitals within the State to ensure that staff (details supplied) are physically in the hospital during contracted hours; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53199/13]

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As the issues raised are operational matters the Deputy's question has been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply.
