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Animal Welfare

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 12 December 2013

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Questions (32)

Clare Daly


32. Deputy Clare Daly asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the steps he has taken to deal with some recent shocking cases of animal cruelty, neglect and abandonment; and if he is satisfied that the relevant authorities have sufficient resources to ensure compliance with the new Animal Health and Welfare Bill. [52922/13]

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Recent issues in relation to abuses of animal welfare, particularly in the case of horses, highlight the need for intervention before animal welfare is threatened. My Department, in conjunction with the local authorities and the Garda are adopting a pro-active approach in relation to animal welfare and, in recent weeks have seized 82 horses in the Cork city area. While a small number of horses had to be euthanised on welfare grounds, the majority that were seized are being re-homed with the assistance of welfare groups and or are being moved to registered equine premises and have received passports and microchips in accordance with regulations. Last week, my Department engaged with the local authority and An Garda Síochána in a similar proactive manner in County Wicklow.

I can assure the Deputy that my Department will continue to work with local authorities and gardaí in other areas if similar cases occur and intervention is required. I urge the public to continue to avail of the Animal Welfare Helpline in operation by my Department, to report instances where animal welfare may be compromised on 1850 211 990.

In relation to resources, considerable manpower within my Department is devoted to issues relating to the welfare of animals. Under the new Act, provision is made for situations where Local Authorities may be required to offer their assistance. There are, of course, many organisations involved in the animal welfare area and my Department is finalising a series of Service Agreements with a number of these to operate under the Animal Health & Welfare Act 2013. These service agreements will confer statutory powers to NGO personnel to enforce certain parts of the Animal Health & Welfare Act 2013. This will enable such persons to carry out their duties in a more effective manner. My Department also provides considerable financial support to these organisations to assist them in the delivery of animal care and welfare services. In 2012, this funding came to a total of €1,365,000 to some 140 organisations. The funding arrangements are kept under review on an annual basis. In conjunction with these awards, I introduced a new Code of Practice for welfare organisations which aims to promote sound welfare and management practices to assist organisations achieve high standards of animal welfare. This Code of Practice is available on my Department’s website at I plan to make an allocation in respect of work to be carried out in 2014 shortly.
