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Thursday, 12 Dec 2013

Written Answers Nos. 208 - 216

Health Services Staff Data

Questions (208)

Stephen Donnelly


208. Deputy Stephen S. Donnelly asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs further to Parliamentary Question No. 232 of 26 September 2013, if the Health Service Executive has provided a response; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [53473/13]

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The HSE compiles a monthly census of employment in the public health and social care sector and submits it to the Department of Health. Figures supplied from this census of employment in the public health and social care sector, indicate that the number of whole-time equivalent (WTE) social workers employed in the HSE Children and Families service area in the years 2010 - 2012 are as follows:









The census numbers reflect the outcome of a process of reclassification of social workers within the HSE into various care groups, including children and families, as part of the process of establishing the Child and Family Agency. Consequently direct comparisons with social work numbers for previous years are not meaningful.

Departmental Funding

Questions (209)

Brendan Smith


209. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs the present position regarding the application by Cavan County Council-Cavan Sports Partnership for funding to develop a skate park in Cavan town; when the application is likely to be approved; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [53598/13]

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My Department has a capital funding allocation of €250,000 in 2013 to support the provision of play and recreation facilities for children and young people. Unfortunately, the application from Cavan County Council/Cavan Sports Partnership was not successful in securing funds towards the development of a skate park in Cavan Town on this occasion and they were notified about this on 2nd December 2013.

Health Services Staff Remuneration

Questions (210, 227)

Terence Flanagan


210. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Health his plans to ensure that money received by charities and hospitals and used as top-up payments is repaid to the taxpayer; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53573/13]

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Joanna Tuffy


227. Deputy Joanna Tuffy asked the Minister for Health the actions that will be taken regarding the top-up salary payments by section 38 agencies to its chief executives; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53572/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 210 and 227 together.

As has been reported extensively, a considerable number of Section 38 agencies have been found to be in breach of Government pay policy with regard to the remuneration of senior staff. I have requested urgent action to ensure that every agency is fully compliant with Government pay policy. The HSE has a team of senior managers following up with individual agencies and the Director General of the HSE is meeting the Chairpersons and the CEOs of all the Section 38 organisations today. The HSE will take whatever actions are necessary to deliver full compliance and ensure that any governance deficits identified are comprehensively rectified immediately. The question of recoupment will be dealt with on a case by case basis. As indicated above the HSE is urgently meeting individual agencies and it is important that due process is followed.

National Lottery Funding Disbursement

Questions (211)

Michael McNamara


211. Deputy Michael McNamara asked the Minister for Health the funding East Clare Community Co-Op Society Ltd. has received from his Department in 2010 to 2013, inclusive; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53407/13]

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The organisation in question applied for National Lottery funding in 2011, 2012 and 2013. A National Lottery grant of €5,000 was awarded to the organisation in 2011. Each year applications to the Department for National Lottery grants far exceed the funding available and it is not possible to assist every organisation that applies.

Hospital Consultants Contract Issues

Questions (212, 213, 214)

Patrick Nulty


212. Deputy Patrick Nulty asked the Minister for Health the number of consultants that have remitted private practice fees to hospitals where they work; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53415/13]

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Patrick Nulty


213. Deputy Patrick Nulty asked the Minister for Health the amount of money that has been remitted to hospitals from consultants who have exceeded their specified ratio of public to private patients; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53416/13]

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Patrick Nulty


214. Deputy Patrick Nulty asked the Minister for Health in view of the fact that in 2012, more than 50% of inpatients treated at Croom Orthopaedic Hospital were private patients, while 38% of inpatients treated at the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital and 36% of those treated at Mercy University Hospital in Cork were private patients and some 35% of children treated at Crumlin children's hospital had private health insurance, the reason the health service is not pursuing this and recouping the money it is entitled to under the terms of the consultant contract; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53417/13]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 212 to 214, inclusive, together.

Implementation of Consultant Contract 2008 is a matter for the HSE in the first instance. The Contract sets out clear rules on the permitted ratios of public-private practice and the measures to ensure that these provisions are complied with. Depending on contract type, a consultant may have no access to private practice (Type A contract holders), a cap of 20% private activity for newly appointed consultants (Type B) or a cap of up to 30% in the case of certain existing consultants. Under the Public Service Agreement, following negotiations at the LRC in September 2012, health service employers and the consultant representative bodies agreed a range of measures to support improved patient care, including a renewed commitment to consultant compliance with the limits on private practice activity. I have asked the HSE to revert directly to the Deputy in relation to the specific issues he has raised.

Home Care Packages

Questions (215)

Jack Wall


215. Deputy Jack Wall asked the Minister for Health the position regarding a home care package application in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53428/13]

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As this is a service mater it has been referred to the Health Service Executive for direct reply.

Medical Card Eligibility

Questions (216)

Finian McGrath


216. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Health if a medical card is at risk in respect of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 5; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53437/13]

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The Health Service Executive has been asked to examine this matter and to reply to the Deputy as soon as possible. The Health Service Executive operates the General Medical Services scheme, which includes medical cards and GP visit cards, under the Health Act 1970, as amended. It has established a dedicated contact service for members of the Oireachtas specifically for queries relating to medical cards and GP visit cards, which the Deputy may wish to use for an earlier response. Contact information has issued to Oireachtas members.
