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Estimates Process

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 17 December 2013

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Questions (633)

Billy Timmins


633. Deputy Billy Timmins asked the Minister for Health if the Supplementary Estimate of 12 December 2013 contains any funding to meet payments which are not due until 2014; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54380/13]

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The 2013 supplementary estimate is to meet projected deficits and savings shortfalls in the HSE (Vote 39) up to the end of the year. Under public financial procedures any sum not required to meet liabilities in the current year must be surrendered to the exchequer and cannot be carried over into the following year.

There were several factors which contributed to the expenditure pressures in 2013, primarily:

- Deferral of the introduction of legislation to charge private patients in public beds;

- Estimated cash shortfall in pay savings, including under the Haddington Road Agreement;

- PCRS – delay in implementing FEMPI regulations and shortfall in non-FEMPI savings targets;

- Deficit in Childcare Legal Services;

- Procurement savings shortfall;

- Local Schemes savings shortfall;

- Estimate of claims due from State Claims Agency.

Whilst there has been a shortfall in the savings targets, it is important to note that significant savings were achieved, notably in the PCRS with considerable reductions achieved in the cost of drugs and medicines. In addition, many of the 2013 savings targets are expected to be achieved in 2014.
