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Community Involvement Scheme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 18 December 2013

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Questions (278)

Seán Fleming


278. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if funding will be available under the community involvement in roadworks schemes under the local improvement scheme to local authorities to fund works in 2014; the amount of this allocation; when the amount for each local authority will be known; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54610/13]

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My Department launched a pilot Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) earlier this year for works on regional and local roads.  The scheme is aimed at works on local roads which would usually only be considered for funding towards the end of a Council’s road programme after more heavily trafficked routes had been dealt with.  This is a voluntary scheme and is based on community contributions within the range of 20% to 50%.The uptake on the Community Involvement Scheme is currently being assessed for its potential to continue beyond 2013.  

The Local Improvements Scheme provided funding for road and laneways that councils have not taken in charge.  However, the maintenance and improvement of these roads is, in the first instance, a matter for the relevant landowner. As indicated to all local authorities in January 2013, the local improvement scheme was reinstated but with no separate allocation for this grant category.  Under the arrangements for 2013 local authorities may use up to 7% of their Discretionary Grant towards local improvement schemes should they wish to do so.  The local contribution for these schemes has been increased to 20% of the total cost of the project.  Apart from this amendment the same eligibility rules apply for these schemes.  Furthermore, it is open to local authorities to supplement the 7% of their Discretionary Grant that they can use for the local improvement schemes with their own resources if they so wish.

 Details of the 2014 regional and local roads grants will be communicated to local authorities early in the new year.
