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Wednesday, 18 Dec 2013

Written Answers Nos. 274 - 281

Penalty Points System

Questions (274)

Terence Flanagan


274. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he has given any consideration to increasing the penalty points to seven instead of six for automatic disqualification of learner and novice drivers under the graduating driver licensing system (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54495/13]

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The question of the learner and novice penalty point threshold has recently been discussed in the context of the Road Traffic (No. 2) Bill, in which I had originally proposed a six penalty point disqualification threshold for novice and learner drivers.

This issue was considered at Committee Stage in the Dáil last week where I sought the advice and views of the Select Sub-Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport on an amendment proposed by Deputy Helen McEntee which proposed that the disqualification threshold for learner and novice drivers be increased from six to seven penalty points.  Following our deliberations, there was general agreement that the disqualification threshold should be raised and the Committee accepted the Deputy's amendment.  The seven-point limit is now incorporated in the Bill as it proceeds to Report Stage.

State Airports

Questions (275)

Michael McGrath


275. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his plans to provide additional local autonomy to Cork Airport in line with the recommendations of the Booz report. [54568/13]

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The 2011 Booz & Co. Report on the Future Ownership and Operation of Cork and Shannon Airports found that Cork Airport performs well under DAA ownership and management and operates to a sustainable business model.  Following on from this report the Government decided in November 2012 that the existing ownership of Cork Airport by the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) would be maintained for the present.  In the circumstances, DAA are now in the process of establishing a Development Council for Cork Airport.  This Council will provide for strong engagement with and alignment among key stakeholders in the Cork region and will serve to foster a common understanding, particularly at local level, of issues of concern, potential opportunities for growth and the operating performance of the airport. I hope the Council will be successful in its work as a successful Cork Airport will ultimately benefit Cork and the wider region.

Driver Licence Applications

Questions (276)

Jim Daly


276. Deputy Jim Daly asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if provision has been made by the NDLS to renew driving licences for persons (details supplied) who are out of the country for a period of time and not in a position to attend at an NDLS centre; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54586/13]

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The subject matter of this question relates to the operation of the National Driver Licensing Service, which is the statutory responsibility of the Road Safety Authority.  I have therefore referred the question to the Authority for direct reply.  I would ask the Deputy to contact my office if a response has not been received within ten days.

Departmental Funding

Questions (277)

Martin Heydon


277. Deputy Martin Heydon asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the position regarding an application for funding for a footpath (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54606/13]

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As Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport I have responsibility for policy and overall funding in relation to public transport.  Following the establishment of the National Transport Authority (NTA) in December 2009, the implementation and development of infrastructure projects in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), including footpaths, comes within the remit of the NTA.

Noting this I have referred the Deputy's question to the NTA.  Please advise my private office if you don't receive a reply within 10 working days.

Community Involvement Scheme

Questions (278)

Seán Fleming


278. Deputy Sean Fleming asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if funding will be available under the community involvement in roadworks schemes under the local improvement scheme to local authorities to fund works in 2014; the amount of this allocation; when the amount for each local authority will be known; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54610/13]

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My Department launched a pilot Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) earlier this year for works on regional and local roads.  The scheme is aimed at works on local roads which would usually only be considered for funding towards the end of a Council’s road programme after more heavily trafficked routes had been dealt with.  This is a voluntary scheme and is based on community contributions within the range of 20% to 50%.The uptake on the Community Involvement Scheme is currently being assessed for its potential to continue beyond 2013.  

The Local Improvements Scheme provided funding for road and laneways that councils have not taken in charge.  However, the maintenance and improvement of these roads is, in the first instance, a matter for the relevant landowner. As indicated to all local authorities in January 2013, the local improvement scheme was reinstated but with no separate allocation for this grant category.  Under the arrangements for 2013 local authorities may use up to 7% of their Discretionary Grant towards local improvement schemes should they wish to do so.  The local contribution for these schemes has been increased to 20% of the total cost of the project.  Apart from this amendment the same eligibility rules apply for these schemes.  Furthermore, it is open to local authorities to supplement the 7% of their Discretionary Grant that they can use for the local improvement schemes with their own resources if they so wish.

 Details of the 2014 regional and local roads grants will be communicated to local authorities early in the new year.

Road Projects

Questions (279)

Jerry Buttimer


279. Deputy Jerry Buttimer asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will furnish details of plans for the roundabouts on the N28 at Shanbally, County Cork, and at Shannon Park, Carrigaline; if he will confirm that there will be meaningful engagement with local residents in advance of progressing any proposed works; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54612/13]

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As Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, I have responsibility for overall policy and funding in relation to the national roads programme.  The planning, design and implementation of individual road projects is a matter for the National Roads Authority (NRA) under the Roads Acts 1993 to 2007 in conjunction with the local authorities concerned.

Noting the above position, I have referred the Deputy’s question to the NRA for direct reply.  Please advise my private office if you don’t receive a reply within 10 working days.

Departmental Correspondence

Questions (280)

Finian McGrath


280. Deputy Finian McGrath asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport his views on correspondence (details supplied). [54683/13]

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The former Commission for Taxi Regulation was subsumed into the National Transport Authority with effect from 1 January 2011. It is a matter, in the circumstances, for the NTA to confirm if any Local Authority requested support towards the development of infrastructure for small public service vehicles (SPSVs).

Your request for copies of an audit report undertaken by the former Commission for Taxi Regulation in 2009 and 2010 has been referred also the the NTA, along with your request for any reports resulting from the aforementioned audit or any research papers, recommendations, conclusions or actions emanating from the audit. Please advise my private office if you do not receive a response within ten working days. 

Ministerial Advisers Remuneration

Questions (281)

Billy Kelleher


281. Deputy Billy Kelleher asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the names and amount by which each programme manager or special adviser in his Department has exceeded the relevant pay guidelines as laid down; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [54758/13]

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There is no salary cap for Special Advisers, rather the relevant pay guidelines state that Special Advisers are to be placed on the Principal Officer (standard) scale, which currently ranges from €75,647 to €87,258, except where the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform sanctions a higher salary rate.  This is usually due to the fact that the person concerned was recruited from a higher paid position in the private or voluntary sector.  

Mr Brian Murphy, my Special Adviser, is on a single point of remuneration reduced since 1st July 2013 under  the Haddington Road Agreement to €99,370.  All other staff are paid in accordance with the prescribed guidelines.
