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Student Grant Scheme Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 19 December 2013

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Questions (131)

Thomas P. Broughan


131. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the reason Dublin Business School and other private third level institutions have not been expressly included on the list of non-eligible institutions for the purposes of applications for the student maintenance grant; and if provision can be made in the application system of Student Universal Support Ireland to automatically prompt applicants to the fact that private third level institutions, by naming the specific institutions concerned, are not eligible for maintenance grants. [54866/13]

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Private colleges operated on a for-profit basis are not listed as approved institutions for student grant purposes. The student grant scheme and the student support regulations which specify the criteria for approved courses as well as approved institutions, are widely available to the general public on my Department's website. Also they are available via the and websites.

The SUSI website, provides a comprehensive source of information on financial support for further and higher education and it has a specific section which allows students to establish as to whether their chosen course is approved for grant purposes.

Students may contact the SUSI helpdesk for clarification in relation to whether a course is approved or not.

Tax relief on tuition fees may be available for students attending courses in private colleges. Details in relation to this relief are available from the Revenue Commissioners. I have no plans to extend the scope of the student grant schemes to private colleges operated on a "for profit" basis at this time.
