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Ministerial Meetings

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 January 2014

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Questions (290)

Gerry Adams


290. Deputy Gerry Adams asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the engagements he or his Department has had with Irish emigrants or their representatives since he took office. [55213/13]

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Written answers

As far as possible when leading trade missions to support Irish exports, I try to connect with as many members of the Irish business diaspora as possible. These can be an invaluable resource in making business and other connections to help exporters.

Irish residents in countries where I lead trade missions would be invited to specific networking events or receptions arranged by the enterprise development agencies or the local embassy.

The following is a list of official engagements during which specific events were arranged that involved Irish people living abroad. Other members of the local Irish community would have been involved with the wide range of events such as receptions, company visits, office openings etc., that are frequently part of trade missions.

9th March – December 2011

Official Engagement




17 - 18 March

Embassy Reception.

Tourism Ireland event.

Meeting with Irish Business Network.

St. Patrick’s Day reception hosted by Consul-General.

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton

14 - 15 April

Irish Business Networks Event.

UK Software & Services Reception.

Trade Event / Promotion

United Kingdom

Minister Bruton

17 – 19 April

Embassy Dinner for India based Irish company representatives.

Mission Reception.

Lunch with Indian based Representatives of Irish companies and launch of the Ireland India Business Association (IIBA).

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton

19 - 20 April

Business Networking reception

Trade Event / Promotion

Saudi Arabia

Minister Bruton

11 -16 September

Reception with senior Irish/Australian business representatives.

Australian Ireland Fund – Young Leaders Event.

Lunch with Emigrant Support Programme Recipients.

Reception for “Irish in IT” Diaspora.

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Perry

18 - 22 September

Dinner with Global Irish Network members.

Enterprise Ireland/Irish Chamber business networking event.

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton

19 October

British Irish Business Dinner

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton

10 November

Financial Services Networking Dinner

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton


Official Engagement




6 March

Houston All Agency lunch/Irish network

Investment Trade Mission

Minister Bruton

6 March

Irish studies programme

St. John’s University Houston

Investment Trade Mission

Minister Bruton

7 March

Washington all agency lunch/Irish network

Investment Trade Mission

Minister Bruton

7 – 9 November

Financial Services Networking Event.

Ireland Canada Chamber of Commerce,

Networking event

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton

15 November

Financial Services Networking Event

Trade Event / Promotion

United Kingdom

Minister Bruton


Official Engagement




21 February

UK Networking Reception

Trade Event / Promotion

United Kingdom

Minister Sherlock

26 - 27 February

Medtec Europe Trade Fair

Networking Dinner

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Sherlock

5 - 9 March

Meeting with members of the Global Irish Network

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton

8 March

Washington all agency lunch/Irish network

Investment Trade Mission

Minister Bruton

18 March

Cologne St. Patrick’s Day reception Embassy event and Dinner with Honorary Consul

Investment Trade Mission

Minister Bruton

21 - 24 July

Meeting with members of the

Global Irish Network

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton

24 - 27 July

Ireland Japan Chamber of Commerce Reception

Trade Event / Promotion


Minister Bruton

30 October

New York Dinner

Irish US Council

Investment Trade Mission

Minister Bruton

Questions Nos. 291 and 292 answered with Question No. 288.