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Youth Unemployment Measures

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 January 2014

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Questions (302)

Simon Harris


302. Deputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will provide details of any meetings he or his officials have had with youth groups or organisations working with or representing young people to explore ways of tackling youth unemployment here and ensuring that initiatives in place by Government in terms of employment and business support are accessible to young people and tailored for their needs where appropriate; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1045/14]

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The Minister for Social Protection has the lead responsibility for the implementation of the EU Council Recommendation on a Youth Guarantee. The Department of Social Protection has set up an interdepartmental group with officials and programme managers from the Department of Education and Skills, Department of Jobs Enterprise and Innovation, and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, to review the current range of youth employment policies in Ireland to assess what measures will need to be taken to commence the implementation of the Youth Guarantee. For my part, I have not had any meetings with youth groups or organisations working with or representing young people on these matters.

I understand that Ireland’s implementation plan for the Youth Guarantee was transmitted to the European Commission in December 2013 by the Department of Social Protection and that details will be made available shortly regarding the manner in which Ireland will pursue a phased implementation of the Recommendation in 2014 and subsequent years. The implementation of the Youth Guarantee will provide an opportunity to promote greater awareness of the opportunities associated with self-employment and entrepreneurship, especially through closer cooperation between employment services, business support and micro-finance providers.

The Government is promoting a variety of employment and business supports that are either accessible to young people along with other potential interested persons or alternatively, and where appropriate, specifically tailored to their needs. The County Enterprise Boards (CEBs) provide supports, both financial and non-financial or "soft" supports, to all micro-enterprises in the start-up or expansion phase in manufacturing and services, subject to certain conditions. The soft supports include the provision of business advice, training and mentoring to all clients. The aim is to develop indigenous enterprise potential, stimulate economic activity at local level and promote the establishment of micro-enterprises within their administrative area. These supports are available to everyone, regardless of age.

The CEBs have long been active in working with schools to promote entrepreneurship within the education system, primarily through close engagement with second level schools throughout Ireland but are also active with primary schools and third level colleges. The national second level Student Enterprise Awards is an example of a flagship CEB programme that attracts the participation of over 15,000 students from schools throughout the length and breadth of the country.

My Department, together with Enterprise Ireland, is also examining options for CEB-led initiatives aimed at promoting youth entrepreneurship, including a mix of financial supports for business start-ups, feasibility studies and mentoring. These initiatives will build upon Enterprise Ireland’s experience in coordinating and supporting a number of the initiatives to promote youth entrepreneurship and engagement in the world of hi-tech. These have included CoderDojo, an Irish-led movement that is teaching kids globally to code, Kids in Tech and the annual Think Outside the Box awards, which aim to foster a spirit of entrepreneurship among third level students. My Department is keen to support young entrepreneurs and, in this context, current initiatives such as Enterprise Ireland’s Competitive Start Fund New Frontiers Programme and, along with the Microenterprise Loan Fund, all contribute to supporting young entrepreneurs.
